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№1. с 1 сентября 2024 г.  до 22 сентября 2024 г. (загрузки письменных работ до 19 сентября 2024 г.)

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Практическая грамматика

Сдача (решение)  одного теста по данному предмету - от 120 руб. 

Список некоторых  вопросов из тестов, на которые мы можем помочь с ответами. 

• Практическая грамматика (1-1)
• Read the following statement about Imperative Sentences and state whether it is true or false
• Imperative Sentences giving a command must always end with an exclamation (!).
• As you … remember, I was always interested in scientific experiments.
• The letter and the parcel ... (to post) tomorrow.
• Determine whether the following rule about the exclamatory sentence is true or false.
• An exclamatory sentence may give command sometimes.
• Choose the noun in the plural form: “a baby”
• Complete the given imperative sentence by filling in with appropriate word from the choices provided.
• ... your elders always.
• Choose the noun which is only used in the singular form:
• The program of the conference can't ... , I'm afraid.
• Choose the noun which is only used in the singular form:
• People use a lot of paper and only a small part of it .. .
• Fill in the blank with the appropriate form of the verb: Where you ... since last Thursday:
• Read the following statement about Imperative Sentences and state whether it is true or false
• The verbs in imperative sentences are also known as ‘Bossy Verbs’.
• I doubt that Mr.Green will ... with you.
• Choose the noun in the plural form: “a child”
• By external structure of the word we mean …
• State whether the following compound statement is correct or incorrect, based on the coordinating conjunctions or transitional interjections, semicolon (;).
• She stayed alone for she never felt lonely.
• My dentist says I … eat so many sweets.
• State whether the following statement is True or False, with regard to Complex Sentences.
• “After he called me, I left immediately is also a right formation.
• Complete the following sentence by filling in with appropriate choice given.
• Neil is a little nervous, ... he will perform well.
• Which of the two main approaches to lexical meaning studies the connection between words and things or concepts they denote:
• Complete the given imperative sentence by filling in with appropriate word from the choices provided.
• ... leave the room untidy.
• Convert the Affirmative Present Simple sentence into Interrogative Sentence in Present/Past/Future form by filling in the sentences with appropriate choice provided.
• She is waiting for you. (Affirmative)
• ... waiting for you? (Interrogative)
• State whether the following statement is True or False, with regard to Complex Sentences.
• In the statement- “If he comes to the school, he will conduct the assembly.”
• “If he comes to the school” is an Independent Clause.
• Choose the noun in the plural form: “a wife”
• State whether the following statement is Imperative or not- Imperative
• Don’t spoil the mood.
• You will … speak English in another few months.
• Choose the noun in the plural form: “a factory”
• Choose the noun in the plural form:
• Choose the appropriate choice which correctly converts the given affirmative sentence into negative sentence.
• He is going to the college. (Positive)
• He is ... going to the college. (Negative)
• Dad phoned us and asked if our luggage (already/to pack).
• Determine whether the following rule about the exclamatory sentence is true or false.
• “Exclaimed” is used while converting a direct exclamatory sentence into an indirect one.
• Fill in the blank with the appropriate form of the verb: I ... since that night.
• Choose the noun in the plural form:
• The morphemes which may occur alone and coincide with word-forms
• or immutable words are …
• Fill in the suitable adverb in the sentence: I … sleep with my windows open.
• Complete the given statement with the choices given to make a declarative statement.
• ... studying well for the exams.
• The doctor said that Tommy's leg ... (to be X-rayed) the following day.
• Complete the given statement with the choices given to make a declarative statement.
• ... going home tomorrow.
• Read the following statement about Imperative Sentences and state whether it is true or false
• Imperative Sentences ending with a period cannot be Declarative Sentences; because, the Declarative Sentences don’t issue command or make wishes.
• The problem ... (to study) for three years, but they haven't got any results.
• Lexicology is a branch of linguistics which deals with…
• Fill in the blank with the appropriate form of the verb: The earth always ....
• Look! The bridge ... (to repair).
• The word has …
• Complete the given complex sentences by choosing from the choices given.
• He will definitely come ... he is not invited.
• Complete the following sentence by filling in with appropriate choice given.
• Students were not allowed to dance; ..., they enjoyed a lot.
• Complete the following sentence by filling in with appropriate choice given.
• He fed the poor free of cost; ... , a noble act of kindness.
• Complete the following sentence by filling in with appropriate choice given.
• Jack has much on hands experience; ... , he was not into the panel.
• Nobody answers the phone. They … be out.

• Choose the appropriate choice which correctly converts the given affirmative sentence into negative sentence.
• I have been working on the project since 2015. (Positive)
• I have not been ... on the project since 2015. (Negative)
• Complete the following sentence by filling in with appropriate choice given.
• Oliver is happy today; .... , it’s his birthday today.
• Fill in the blank with the appropriate form of the verb: I ... homework tomorrow at 3 o’clock.
• Choose the right variant:
• Your dog is ... than your cat.
• Choose the noun in the plural form:“a box”
• Complete the following sentence by filling in with appropriate choice given.
• Jack has much on hands experience; ... , he was not into the panel.
• It is recommended that you consult a doctor; ... , I insist that you do it fast.
• Choose the noun in the plural form:“a night”
• Complete the following sentence by choosing the appropriate choice from the options provided.
• Choose the noun in the plural form:
• Choose the right variant:
• Mike is a careless driver, he drives … than you:
• The analysts ... their estimates on the figures for the last three years.
• Convert the following Affirmative Present Simple sentence into Interrogative Sentence in Present/Past/Future form by filling in the sentence with appropriate choice provided.
• They go to the college regularly. (Affirmative)
• ... they go to the college regularly? (Interrogative)
• State whether the following compound statement is correct or incorrect.
• He was getting late he; hurried to office.
• Convert the following Affirmative Present Simple sentence into Interrogative Sentence in Present/Past/Future form by filling in the sentence with appropriate choice provided.
• He plays basketball. (Affirmative)
• ... he play basketball? (Interrogative)
• Convert the Affirmative Present Simple sentence into Interrogative Sentence in Present/Past/Future form by filling in the sentences with appropriate choice provided.
• The kids will be playing in the park. (Affirmative)
• ... be playing in the park? (Interrogative)
• Which of the following words has the suffix –er in the comparative degree:
• In Greece the Olympic Games ……. (to hold) once in four years.
• Choose the noun in the plural form:
• To my mind, the government … take care of old people.
• Complete the below given statements with the choices given to make a declarative statement.
• Choose the correct variant: many …
• Find the right variant: We turned the house upside down but we couldn’t find your ring …
• Choose the right answer in the possessive case: The ... tables.
• Fill in the blank with the appropriate form of the verb: I felt sure they ... the same problem when I called.
• Complete the sentence: This is … car.
• Choose the noun in the plural form:
• I’m sorry, I … have phoned to tell you I was coming.
• Complete the following sentence by filling in with appropriate choice given.
• He is leaving early, ... he is feeling sick.
• Complete the sentence:
• It costs four ... dollars.
• Complete the below given statements with the choices given to make a declarative statement.
• .... finding it difficult to meet the demands.
• Fill in the blank with the appropriate form of the verb: At lunch the rain ...
• Word-formation …
• Complete the given imperative sentence by filling in with appropriate words from the choices provided.
• ... the oven before you bake.
• ..… you mind passing me the salt?
• Management accountants need to ... the effects of rapid market changes.
• What a pity, John won't come. He ……. (to tell) about the meeting beforehand.
• Complete the given imperative sentence by filling in with appropriate words from the choices provided.
• ... the kids play.
• Fill in the blank with the appropriate form of the verb: After we ... our dinner my sister washed the dishes.
• State whether the following compound statement is correct or incorrect.
• She loved children; however, she had no time to play with them.
• Fill in the blank with the appropriate form of the verb: I can’t hear what they ... about.
• Complete the following sentences by filling in with appropriate choice given.
• Students were not allowed to dance; ... , they enjoyed a lot.
• Find the sentence with a possessive noun:
• Choose the noun which is only used in the singular form:
• Not much information about the plane crash ... since that time.
• Choose the noun in the plural form:
• Fill the blank space in the sentences given below, to form a Compound Sentence.
• He was getting late; ... , he managed to be on time.
• Different meanings of a polysemantic word develop into…
• Fill in the blank with the appropriate form of the verb: She constantly ... of being lonely.
• Choose the noun in the plural form:
• Choose the right answer in the possessive case:
• Where is your … umbrella?
• Choose the noun in the plural form: “a match”
• Choose the appropriate choice which correctly converts the given affirmative sentence into negative sentence.
• She was dancing on the stage. (Positive)
• She ... on the stage. (Negative)
• This book ……. (to publish) by the end of September.
• Define the language means used to mark the gender distinctions of the nouns: The tom-cat was sleeping on the window-sill.
• Margaret …… (to know) to be a very industrious person. 

Практическая грамматика

Ответы на некоторые вопросы по тесту.

Проверенные ответы на тест

This book ……. (to publish) by the end of September.

Выберите один ответ:
a. would been published
+ b. will have been published
c. will been published 

Choose the noun which is only used in the singular form:

Выберите один ответ:
a. newspaper
+ b. news
c. number
d. note
e. night 

Complete the sentence: This is … car.

Выберите один ответ:
a. His friends
b. My friends’
c. His friend
d. My friend
+ e. His friend’s 

Complete the following sentence by filling in with appropriate choice given.
Jack has much on hands experience; ... , he was not into the panel.
It is recommended that you consult a doctor; ... , I insist that you do it fast.

Выберите один ответ:
+ a. further
b. neither
c. either 

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